Help Please

There are 4 fireplaces in our house. Before we get started, please note:

  • They are accompanied by beautiful tile.
  • The mantles are caked in an unknown texture.
  • They are non-functioning.

My goal is to salvage the tile, but get rid of the gas part and either refurbish or replace the mantles.

Here's what we're working with:


There are a lot of unknowns here. I don't know what is behind the mantle - brick, plaster, garbage? I don't know if the gas line is actually running, which needs to be determined before anything happens so that we can disable if it is. Finally, what the HECK is covering these mantles? 2,000 layers of paint? Likely.

So, any ideas? My skillful internet searching has lead me to (shockingly) no ideas for this scenario.

While beautiful, these guys take up some space, so I want to make sure we are getting the most bang for our buck if they stay.

If you come up with a winning solution, I will dedicate a fireplace to you! Comment below or email me or call me or fax me.