Taos, NM
We had a truly amazing honeymoon based out of Taos, New Mexico. It's hard to capture in words and I don't think even pictures do it justice, but D.H. Lawrence came as close as you can to describing the feeling that envelops you there:
“You cannot come to Taos without feeling that here is one of the chosen spots on Earth.”
I'll leave it at that because I'm sure I can do no better.
In case you're curious, here are the top things we enjoyed on our journey, which lasted 10 marvelous days. All vacations should last 10 days. I am sure we are doing vacation wrong, America.
Our favorite things about this trip, in no particular order:
Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu, NM
I take back what I just said because this was by far my favorite thing about the trip. Just look at it and try to disagree with me! Impossible.
Ghost Ranch is where the incomparable Georgia O'Keeffe spent the second part of her life obsessively painting the property. It's an unreal place and it's not hard to see why she chose to capture its beauty in her work. There were a lot of movies filmed here, like City Slickers, but I recommend sticking to the art-based tours.
Big Mountain, Taos, NM
The mountain has a name, but Big Mountain is better because my oh my - it's big and it's everywhere and it's amazing. It looks different every time you look at it depending on the time of day and type of weather and everything in between. We spent a lot of time staring at it. We also spent some time throwing back a few beers on the patio and debating whether or not it's climbable. Dan says yes. I say good luck.
Governor Bent House and Museum
This is where things start to get a little weird, true to Taos form. The Governor Bent House and Museum is where Charles Bent, frontiersman and New Mexico's first governor lived. There is a hole in the wall where Kit Carson and his family supposedly dug their way out while Governor Bent was busy getting scalped.
When we visited the Taos Pueblo, they had a very different telling of this story, so don't believe everything you read. Queue who lives, who dies, who tells your storrrrrrrry?
It should also be noted that this museum contains civil war rifles, snakeskinds, a taxidermied 8-legged lamb, and a mishmash of other items the "curator" has on display. $3 well spent.
Taos Mesa Brewing, Taos, NM
Taos Mesa Brewing has an awesome set up, the best beer we had in New Mexico, live music, and pretty solid food. Unfortunately, they were hosting a music festival for a few days while we were in town, so we didn't get to become regulars as planned, but still hit up this place for tacos and brews and to soak in the scenery.
We ate a lot of good food in New Mexico, although the beer scene left something to be desired, so this was a much welcomed find.
Rattlesnakes, Bandelier National Monument, Los Alamos, NM
Not pictured is the rattlesnake we saw because we didn't lose our goddam minds like some people on the trail who stopped to take pictures of a real live rattling rattlesnake. Bold text is all I can offer to provide the context of intensity that surround our brief, but intimate time with a rattlesnake on a hiking trail at Bandelier National Monument.
I braved some heights to witness this view. Leaves you wondering how the cave dwellers who called this home did it on the regs.
Other notable adventures include the Mystery Painting, Ojo Caliente, a trip to Santa Fe (are you there?), the Nicolai Fechin House, Dan placing third in the Taos Lilac Festival 5k, and lots of margaritas.
If you ever have the chance to make it to Taos or New Mexico, make it happen.